Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life after graduation

Well, here it is. School is over and the job market is a blood bath. Competing against your good friends for the same job is NOT my idea of a good time. Still, while making follow-up calls today, expecting everyone to simply say "No, we're not hiring" I had one woman say "Well, we're not hiring, but we received your resume and will keep it on file. You just gotta keep pushing ahead, you've got a great degree and you just gotta keep your head up, now be sure to check this website and this one too......" I was laughing on the phone and thanked her for her advice.

Tomorrow I drive to Washington Depot, CT to interview with a firm that has been pursuing me. (Probably they have called everyone in my class). It's a tiny town but a woman owned business, that might provide a great opportunity to work as a designer straight out of school! We'll see. Connecticut living might provide the kind of home life that's conducive to having a puppy!

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